Drivers NXP Sound Cards & Media Devices

The January 2005 issue of Sound on Sound features a review of Juli@ by Martin Walker: 'ESI's Juli@ is a versatile soundcard thanks to its swappable I/O and extensive driver support, it sounds good, and is good value for money.' - check the full review here. Right-click your audio driver. For most computers, this will be 'Realtek (R) Audio'. If you are using a third-party sound card, you may have a different sound card. This displays a pop-up menu to the right of the driver. Products certified by the Federal Communications Commission and Industry Canada will be distributed in the United States and Canada. Please visit the ASUS USA and ASUS Canada websites for information about locally available products. The alsa drivers have native sound-devices in the /dev/snd/ directory. If you have one card you might see the following devices: /dev/snd/pcmC0D0 - the raw audio device for the card /dev/snd/mixerC0D0 - the mixer for card 0 /dev/snd/controlC0D0 - the control device for card 0. Sound Issue in Windows 10 with Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium in Drivers and Hardware Hello - After I upgraded to Windows 10 from 7 Pro, there was no sound. Obviously, Creative Labs has yet to release compatible drivers for many of their sound cards.


6. Testing and using

Now you should test if the sound driver really is available, then try touse it.

6.1 The /proc filesystem

You can find a lot of useful information about your system in the /proc subdirectory. /proc isa 'virtual' filesystem, meaning that it does not exist in real life, but merely is a mapping tovarious processes and tasks in your computer. In order for /proc to work, you need to have supportfor it compiled into your kernel. Most linux distributions have this as a default, but if youcompiled a kernel and left /proc out obviously there won't be anything in /proc.

/proc/modules gives information about loaded modules. Once the ALSA sounddrivers are loaded, if you type cat /proc/modules you should seesomething like:

If something went wrong during the installation of the driver, you willstill see a couple of 'snd' devices, but there won't be sound support.

For example (Note: you should never issue this command as follows, the cs4236 driver needs options):

You can check the existence of a soundcard by looking in /proc/asound/cards.For example:In the previous example (where I forgot the options) the output would havebeen:A working CS4236 card would produceIf you checked and doublechecked your settings and still see no sound card,take a look at the troubleshooting section.

The /proc/asound/ virtual directory shows lots of other informationabout the driver. Please note that /proc/asound/ will only exist after you inserted the first ALSA module. If there is no /proc/asound, it simply means that the 'snd'module was not loaded properly. You can find installed cards in /proc/asound/cards, thenfind information about card0 in /proc/asound/0, /proc/asound/1 for card1etcetera.

If cat /proc/asound/card1/pcm0 shows something like

this means that your driver is ready to go, butis not doing anything right now. (So everything went well).

For users of a 2.0.x kernel there is a third method to find information about the sound devices, namely if you insertedthe OSS compatible driver there is a /dev/sndstat device. The ALSA drivers kindly requestthat younot to rely on this information as it is only there for compatibility with the OSS driversand better information can easily be obtained from /proc/asound/. In kernel 2.2.x ALSA usesthe kernel soundcore and therefor cannot emulate /dev/sndstat, since it would interferewith the OSS drivers.

6.2 The mixer

Once the drivers for your sound card have been installed and your /procfilesystem tells you so, you can try to make a real sound. To do this, youneed to set the mixer volumes to a reasonable value. You need the ``amixer'from the alsa-utils package for this. First of all,install the utility package, or at least put the 'amixer' command in somereasonable place (like /usr/local/bin).

Version 0.3.2 andlater have an interface that differs from the OSS drivers. If you type just ``amixer'you will see the mixer elements and their value. One of these elementscould be ``Master volume' for example, and could look like:

Unfortunately, I do not know how to set left and right volumes independently. With amixer,you can change volumes with the ``amixer set' command. For example, to change the Mastervolume, you would issue a

Please note that the names of the elements can be different for different types of sound cards. Also notethat amixer is case dependent, so ``amixer set masteR 10' will not work.For more information, please look in the amixer man page.

If you have a 0.3.0-pre4 ALSA, then amixer works just like normal mixer programs.You can look at the mixer settingsby typing ``amixer'. This command lists the ``mixer settings', or as you wouldnormally call it, the volume settings of the various parts of the soundcard. The output from amixer can greatly differ from cardto card. My Soundblaster 16 shows:

If you only get a message like ``amixer: Specify command..', then you are usingthe ALSA 3.2 utilities. I suggest you to upgrade to 0.4.1e or later, or to go back to0.3.0-pre4.

Mixer settings for playing

You have noticed the 'Mute' entry for some devices. This means that this particulardevice will be zeroed out, whatever volume setting you use. Some cards (the CS4237B in the example) even mute their master channel.So, for the CS4237B, I would have to type

amixer set 'Master d' unmute

to even be able to produce any sound at all. The Soundblaster does nothave muted output, but

amixer set Master 100 unmute

would set thevolume to 100% - and unmute it if it would have been muted.You can use a number, a word like'mute' or 'unmute', or both. Type

amixer set 'Master d' 100; amixer set PCM 100 unmute

to set the CS4237B card to maximum master volume and unmute PCM volume and set it to maximum.

If you use an older version of amixer, you need to leave out the ``set' part of the command, so you wouldjust type

amixer 'master d' 100

Mixer parts

The various mixer parts may confuse you if you have no knowledge of digital soundproduction. The sound-HOWTO may help a bit, but a very short introduction is here.

You will probably only need few mixer elements: one of them is the ``CD' setting (this is analog sound of your CD player, most CD players are connectedwith a 3 or 4 wire red/white/black cable).

The ``PCM' setting is used for most applications. Programs like mpg123, xmms, speakfreely, realplayer and most others use the PCM channel.

``MIC' stands formicrophone, ``line-in' is an (optional) extra input at the back of your sound card.

The various ``gain' parts offer extra amplification for various uses and are prettyself-explanatory. (Like: record-gain is extra amplification for the recording channel, whichcan be useful if you use a microphone).

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Mixer settings for recording

Razer mice & touchpads driver download for windows xp. You would set the CD channel to record by typing

amixer set CD capture

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and stop the recording setting again by typing

amixer set CD nocapture.

Note that older amixer programs use ``amixer CD rec' and ``amixer CD norec' for this.

If you would like to record something from the microphone, you would probablyuse

amixer set 'Input Gain' 100; amixer set Mic 100 capture mute.

(Using themicrophone input unmuted will produce loud high-pitched sound if your micpicks up its own signal from the speakers again). Most microphones have a ``gain' setting to boost the microphone volume; you are most likely goingto need it to pick up any sound from the microphone at all.

Again, older amixer programs use ``amixer 'input gain' 100; amixer mic 100 rec mute'.

Other mixer settings

Unfortunately I have not been able to change the volume of the '3dcenter' and '3d space' settings with amixer 0.3.0-pre4. I haven't tried yet with 0.4.1e (this particular machineis still running 2.0.38). If anyone succeeds pleaselet me know. I can use alsamixer for this job, but alsamixer was not ported to the 0.4.1e version yet.

The ALSA FAQ says that it is possible to restore mixer settings withcat <file> > /proc/asound/#/mixerC0D0, where <file> was obtained from/proc/asound/#/mixerC0D0. I have not been able to reproduce this as my systemcomplains about non-existing devices. Then there is the ``alsactl' program, which I don't use. I invite you (yes, you!)to write this section.

6.3 The /dev/snd/ devices

The alsa drivers have native sound-devices in the /dev/snd/ directory.If you have one card you might see the following devices:

The first number means the number of the soundcard, the second number (ifany) is the number of the device. A sound card with two PCM devices wouldhave a pcmC0D0 and pcmC0D1 device.Please note: the ALSA devices have changed between the previous version. Older ALSA drivers use /dev/snd/pcm00 (first number is the card, second number is the device).If this HOWTO uses the older notation, please drop me a line so I can correct it.

Now you are ready to put any soundfile you want into the PCM deviceof the first card. So try to cat any textfile (any file) to /dev/snd/pcmC0D0,like this: cat <filename> > /dev/snd/pcmC0D0. The filename canbe any file, as long as it has some length. If you have a soundfile lyingaround somewhere, you could try that. You could also get the file at is Linus Torvalds saying how to pronounce Linux.

The default setting of your sound device is 8000 Hz, 8 bit. That means thatthe '' file mentioned above will produce speech,other test files will probably just produce noise. If you do not hear anything,check your speakers, try to run 'amixer' again or consult a doctor.(Later on you can easily use the full 48 KHz, 16 bit features of your sound card, by usingyour favourite sound player like sox or mpg123).

If you loaded the ``snd-pcm1-oss' module, you can also use the OSS-compatibilityto access your sound card. The following mappings are made:

You probaly want to use the ``snd-mixer-oss' module as wel, so you can use the backwards compatible mixer.

6.4 Additional information

The INSTALL file in the ALSA driver directory mentions some tricks to tellthe driver which settings to use. If you need these commands it will depend on the application youuse to play sound. Regular sound playing applications, like mpg123, sox (mostly called with the ``play' command), or X11 applications like RealPlayer will probablydo fine without these. I never used these anyway.


<app_name> - name of application with (highter priority) or without path

<fragments> - number of fragments or zero if auto

<fragment_size> - size of fragment in bytes or zero if auto

<options> - optional parameters

WR_ONLY - if application tries open pcm device with O_RDWR driver rewrites this to O_WRONLY (playback) - good for Quake etc..



Example: echo 'Record 16' > /proc/asound/0/sb16

For further reference, please consult the INSTALL file.


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4-in/4-out PCI Audio Interface with Swappable I/O Socket

Juli@ features highest quality 24-bit 192Khz ADC (114dB) and DAC (112dB) for the best quality audio.

The unique swappable I/O socket allows you to choose your analog connectors between unbalanced RCA jacks and balanced TRS jacks.

You don't have to configure your studio to Juli@, you can configure Juli@ to your studio. Juli@'s EWDM drivers provide unparalled performance and stability, and provide support for all professional audio applications using ASIO and GSIF drivers.

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Drivers Nxp Sound Cards & Media Devices Software

With the powerful EWDM drivers and MIDI I/O Juli@ is perfect for post-production studios, one man bands and use with mixers and you can monitor the inputs and outputs directly through the digital mixer.

Juli@'s optical and digital outputs allow AC3/DTS pass through for Dolby Digital and DTS surround sound playback. Please note that this is the PCI version, we also offer a PCIe version called Juli@ XTe.



  • 2 analog input channels, 2 analog output channels
  • 24-bit/192kHz AD converter with 114dB(a) dynamic range
  • 24-bit/192kHz DA converter with 112dB(a) dynamic range
  • swappable socket (Unbalanced RCA with -10dBv or Balanced TRS with +4dBu )
  • coaxial S/PDIF digital input
  • synchronisation to digital S/PDIF input signals
  • optical S/PDIF digital output with automatic shutter (max. 96kHz specified)
  • coaxial S/PDIF digital output (max. 192kHz)
  • 1 MIDI input (16 channels) / 1 MIDI output (16 channels)
  • support for DirectWIRE 3.0
  • 4 inputs and 4 outputs can be used with 24bit/192kHz simultaneously (incl. MIDI I/O) - full duplex
  • PCI card is compatible with 3.3V and 5V PCI slots
  • independent monitoring control for analog and digital input signals and playback
  • EWDM driver: MME, DirectSound, ASIO 2.0 and GSIF 2.0 support
  • Windows 98SE/ME/XP/2000/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 compatible
  • compatible with Mac OS X 10.1 and newer (Power Mac G4/G5)
  • Linux compatible (ALSA)

Reviews and Testimonials

Here are selected reviews of Juli@:

Germany's stereoplay issue July 2006 contains a review of Juli@ in the HiFi & PC section: 'In conclusion, Juli@ comes very close to the analog standard of vividness, image and warmth.' - verdict: stereoplay Highlight

The January 2005 issue of Sound on Sound features a review of Juli@ by Martin Walker: 'ESI's Juli@ is a versatile soundcard thanks to its swappable I/O and extensive driver support, it sounds good, and is good value for money.' - check the full review here.

Popular UK online magazine Dancetech had a detailed look on Juli@ and mentioned:'So, a great little audio card!' / 'a real winner all round!' - read the full review here also check their video review!

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In September 2004 the team of iXBT checked our Juli@ in detail: 'Taking into account its price and professional orientation, we found no drawbacks in this card.' - read the full review here. In the conclusion, we received their 'Original Design' award!

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If you are interested in adding a review to this list, do not hesitate and contact us.